Sunday, June 29, 2008

Not a remake of the James Herriott books

From Empire: "We don’t know about you, readers, but when Empire thinks of All Creatures Great And Small, we think of soothing Sunday evening viewing, of the world’s most famous vet, James Herriott, of Christopher Timothy with his hand stuck up a cow’s arse." At times, the writing of Empire is eerily similar to our own thoughts, don't you agree? Glad to read that someone else under the age of 60 has watched ACGAS. Though perhaps I should not be surprised seeing as it is a British publication.


Charles Grace said...

Um, yes, when I saw that I was like "uh, this isn't a remake of the book huh?'

Esmee Grace said...

I was totally going to post this but you beat me to it! Apparently our alter egos have moved from Elle to Empire.