Sunday, June 15, 2008

I Capture

I am missing you both terribly having just watched I Capture the Castle (after having miraculously finding a copy at Amoeba). Dodie you must buy the book that Esmee and I are reading called "Devil in the Kitchen." It's pretty great. About Marco Pierre White, whom I've only heard of from having read Bridget Jones so damn many times. It was so funny, tonight Es and I were talking and she told me that she had just read a great book Soon I Will Be Invincible, and I positively shrieked because I had just read the script of it (which is a project we are doing). Crazy, right? We even think we read it on the same day. Well, anyways, I should probably go to sleep seeing as I have work in the morning. xo


Dodie Grace said...

hey can i come visit you in july??

Charles Grace said...

um, sure...but depends on when. first week of July I am moving...