Friday, January 6, 2012

So I am freaking out again

About jobs for next year and leaving soon. I am having palpitations and just want to stay in my bathrobe all day and watch PBS specials. So not fulfilling my New Year's Resolution to be a real grown-up.

You guys better both get Skype so we can actually talk to each other while I am gone. (Our internet is too slow for the videochat but we can do a 3 way conference call).

1 comment:

Charles Grace said...

I was very proud N and I went out to Venice and had a drink and ate food truck food cause it was like "first friday" or whatever. but then it was 9:30pm and we were like "eh we are old" so now I'm watching doctor who. good use of time C!

you shouldn't freak about jobs because you always get a job and it will be fine.