Sunday, January 8, 2012


Besides having the greatest name ever, what caused you to cast Benedict Cumberbatch?


ABRAMS: We just were looking for someone with the most awesome name in history. That was the casting call. We asked for someone with the most awesome name in history, ever, and Benedict Cumberbatch showed up, so we were like, “You’re cast!”

What was it that made him your villain?

ABRAMS: Who said he’s our villain?

What made you want to cast him?

ABRAMS: He’s a genius. Honestly, he’s just an incredible actor. If you’ve seen his work in Sherlock, he’s just got incredible skills. He’s an amazing stage actor. He did amazing work (on stage) in Frankenstein. He’s brilliant. You try to cast people who are great. We got lucky.


Also, reasons I love Simon Pegg:


Charles Grace said...

um, that means he's in LA, right? must start haunting places where British people go...

Esmee Grace said...

Apparently they are all in LA. Start haunting places with banoffee pie...