Sunday, February 20, 2011

Why is it that you inevitably look your worst when you run into your crush?

Having gone on a 5 hour hike through the tropical rainforest, followed by a 5 hour bus ride during which the woman in the seat behind me vomited profusely and repeatedly all over the bus, we stopped in a coffee shop immediately upon arrival in town as all of us were starving, having not eaten since breakfast. And, of course, ran into the guy I sort of have a crush on having coffee with his parents.

Great, you want to hug me while I smell of sweat, insect repellent, diesel and there is a high possibility that I have someone else's vomit in my hair. And now introduce me to your parents. Great.

1 comment:

Charles Grace said...

nah, I'm sure you just seemed adventurous and sporty. although I'm pretty sure the russians are going to be very worried about you after this post.