Monday, January 17, 2011

The plan

Ok so I'm thinking this should be the goal. Need to sell a book by the end of June. I want to start sending out the first one in February. That way I can maybe move back East by the end of summer. Even if I have to get some sort of part time job until my fab book makes me money if I at least have a rep and have sold one, then I can work part time and work on the next in the meantime. I've been freaking out about things again and really don't want to stay in LA. I stupidly just read something that said all of California might wash away really soon and I'm very worried. I have to get out of here. No joke. And then maybe we all can get a place together. Would be so much better. And I'm over the West Coast. Sound like an ok plan? I have to get out of here.

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