Friday, March 5, 2010

So many hats

There are seriously so many hats on this show that this dude wears. Its kind of HILARIOUS. Love this show.


Esmee Grace said...

You've finally discovered the awesomeness of White Collar?? Or as the Fug Girls call it 'Hot Con Man Shenanigans'? Yes, gotta love the hats, suits, etc. Great, now all three of us have been converted.

Charles Grace said...

no, i became obsessed awhile ago...have it on itunes actually which is great since canadian tv is weird and i can't seem to record stuff so i missed good wife and greys and stuff this week. and eric's been in a bad mood so it seemed like a good night to watch some "hot con man shenanigans" i just felt the need to share my delight in his hats.

Dodie Grace said...

luv it!!! totally wish i had his apt!!!