Saturday, January 9, 2010

The Bolshoi Ballet is performing what?

SO I felt like I needed a little more culture in my life and was perusing the schedule over at the Kennedy Center. Should I go see the American Ballet Theatre perform Prokofiev's Romeo and Juliet or go see Alvin Ailey? Then I saw that the Bolshoi Ballet will be performing Spartacus. Who would have thought that a story of slaves and gladiators would make a good ballet? (If you watch the clip, you will see that they do not).


Charles Grace said...

does anyone else feel like this was staged by sasha b-c? cause, um, are they serious???

Esmee Grace said...

Yeah, I think if I went to see the Spartacus ballet I'd get kicked out for laughing too loud. Although I've always wanted to see Alvin Ailey.