So my love of modern philosophy books on the nature of consciousness has apparently collided with my love of Rhian Johnson films.
Am I excited for this turn of events? Why yes, yes I am.
Friday, January 29, 2010
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Okay, now try not to get too excited...
Something to tide us over until The Town is released and/or Mad Men comes back.
Really Apple??
You pretty much wrote the book on hip, snappy marketing campaigns, so how could you be involved in such an epic MARKETING FAIL?? Oh that's right, there probably aren't any women on your marketing team. Le sigh.
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Best Worcester reference ever!
Even better than the reference in The Departed! From this week's 30 Rock, Julianne Moore pretends to be Natalie Jacobson reporting the news, "Tonight's top story, a Worcester man is accused of trading his foster son for gasoline." HA HA HA.
Your eyes are mesmerizing...
I saw this on jez and could not stop watching. Makes me totally want to go out and buy fake eyelashes to play around with.
Thursday, January 21, 2010
I present...

ok, her, I already adore because she came in dressed like she walked out of anthro catalogue, and she has my hair cut only shorter. adorable.
and then him...well...he is australian...and you know how i love the aussies...maybe he is the next RC? And we all know how I feel about RC.
anyways, i think these are solid choices.
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
A house divided?
"His house is a brick Queen Anne from the eighteen-eighties, with a shingled turret and a porch; a shaggy creeper covers its back half like a shrugged-off winter coat. Inside, the house is divided into Dog and Cat, the latter the domain of five cats, including a white one named Princess and a blind one that lives in the attic. Dog belongs to an eighty-pound white German shepherd that Gaiman picked up on the side of the road and named Cabal, after King Arthur’s hound."
I thought we were the only ones who had a house divided, ruled by animals. Oh, no. Of course Neil Gaiman's house would be like that.
Read the whole article from the New Yorker.
I thought we were the only ones who had a house divided, ruled by animals. Oh, no. Of course Neil Gaiman's house would be like that.
Read the whole article from the New Yorker.
De Cat Bastet
Monday, January 18, 2010
Random Actors Strike Again!

So Charles, I was watching 24 tonight with La Mere and Jack Bauer was doing his usual thing with his gun and his man-purse, and we're going along and there's the usual evil little brother who's really behind the assassination attempt, and Freddie Prinze Jr who seems like way too excited to be in something that's not a bad teen comedy, and then Sark shows up as an Evil Russian! I'm excited since last I knew he had joined Heroes right as it began to suck so much that even I stopped watching. Which was like years ago. So yeah, a little more excited about 24 now.
la mere might be right
All of our faves

From the Boston Globe: " Dresden Doll Amanda Palmer is off the market. Over the weekend, Palmer, 33, confirmed her engagement to boyfriend Neil Gaiman, the British graphic novelist and friend-of-Tori-Amos who is most famous for his series “The Sandman.’’ Palmer (inset) and the 49-year-old Gaiman - who has three children from a previous marriage - started dating last summer. Palmer had this to tweet about the idea of becoming a Mrs. “new daily ritual: look in mirror. think of the word ‘wife.’ feel terror. then ponder who the husband is. then feel unstoppable joy.’’ Palmer also tweeted that she’d be joining Gaiman at last night’s Golden Globes. She tweeted, of the event, “buying stockings. hair & make-up come at 12:30. wardrobe comes at 1. limo to golden globes at 2. all of this = hilarious & fun as [expletive].’’ Newton-bred “Inglourious Basterds’’ star Eli Roth tweeted a similar sentiment while he dressed himself for the Globes yesterday afternoon. “It’s true what they say,’’ Roth dispatched to followers. “Primpin’ ain’t easy.’’ "
Sunday, January 17, 2010
I'd feel safer if we had 14 year old hackers...

running the FBI tech division. Read it and weep. From the BBC: "A Spanish politician has said he was shocked to find out the FBI had used his photo for a digitally-altered image showing how Osama Bin Laden might look. Gaspar Llamazares said he would no longer feel safe travelling to the US after his hair and parts of his face appeared on a most-wanted poster. He said the use of a real person for the mocked-up image was "shameless". The FBI admitted a forensic artist had obtained certain facial features "from a photograph he found on the internet". The digitally-altered photos of the al-Qaeda leader, showing how he might look now, aged 52, were published on the state department's Rewards for Justice website on Friday. Officials said they had adapted a 1998 file image to take account of a decade's worth of ageing, and possible changes to facial hair."
Friday, January 15, 2010
Holy Crap!
Es, did you know this?!?!, also see his wiki page. Dude, they like got engaged the night you were there? what?
New Year New Blog II
Took inspiration from Es to create a new blog where I will experiment with recipes. A Single Girl's Guide to Cooking. Let me know what you think of the recipes and as always would appreciate any suggestions on how to improve them.
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Books I never thought le pere would read
So I called le pere when I was having my lug nut problem this afternoon and he mentioned that he just finished reading The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao. (Granted he did refer to it as The Short Love Life of Oscar Wao, but I knew what he meant). He picked it up in the library because he knew it had good reviews and it is now out in large print. Was totally surprised that he would read and enjoy such a book. Now he seems interested in learning more about the DR. Maybe that will be his new favorite island??
I swear to goodness they must have been listening in...
to our conversation, Charles, regarding our dreams of Amelie style apartments. Check out Dodai's take on the latest anthro catalogue.
From bad to worse
Some jerk knifed the tire of my rental car and busted the rear light. now i'm going to have to pay damages on my effing rental car.
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Creepiest Video Ever??
I didn't think it was possible, but Glen Beck may have succeeded in making me feel a little bit bad for Sarah Palin. Seriously, run girl, run, or next he'll be asking if he can make a pillow out of your hair.
Emma returns!
Monday, January 11, 2010
Hipster Central

AND very soon you will be out here in the sunny clime, in my loverly new building (seriously, google map the address, the building is A-MAZING). And we have ameoba records, and you can explore silver lake and go to concerts of cool new bands, and its sunny and beautiful and while i am gone you will be living on your own in my loverly apt (while i am freezing my ass off in canada). and the new place is by cool shops and coffee places on La Brea and not far from the grove. it will be rad!
Big city , bright lights
Saturday, January 9, 2010
Oh look Dodie, they received all your letters of recommendation...
your prayers have been answered....
your prayers have been answered....
The Bolshoi Ballet is performing what?
SO I felt like I needed a little more culture in my life and was perusing the schedule over at the Kennedy Center. Should I go see the American Ballet Theatre perform Prokofiev's Romeo and Juliet or go see Alvin Ailey? Then I saw that the Bolshoi Ballet will be performing Spartacus. Who would have thought that a story of slaves and gladiators would make a good ballet? (If you watch the clip, you will see that they do not).
Press Tour Simulator
Lost In The Air: The Jason Reitman Press Tour Simulator from Jason Reitman on Vimeo.
Jason Reitman's vertigo inducing short film on what it feels like to be on a press tour.
Friday, January 8, 2010
Thursday, January 7, 2010
I do not know what this
or how this movie came about with these people in it, and yet i am intrigued. Esmee it seems to be a movie made for you... trailer here:
Pray for me ladies...
So according to the friendly townie mechanics my car appears to be having transmission problems. Bringing it to the Hyundai dealer tomorrow to see if they can fix it. Trying really hard not to freak out.
*distracts self with hot chocolate and X-Files marathon on tv*
*distracts self with hot chocolate and X-Files marathon on tv*
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
New Year, New Blog
So, I created a new blog to keep track of New Music and Newly Discovered Music from this year.
Lyra Says
This way I won't feel bad about spamming the blog with weird music videos etc...Let me know if you think I should keep this up...
Lyra Says
This way I won't feel bad about spamming the blog with weird music videos etc...Let me know if you think I should keep this up...
Saturday, January 2, 2010
I might have an addiction... addiction to RC that is. Last night body of lies was on and I watched it, and then tonight 310 to yuma. its like an RC weekend! I don't know why I compulsively need to watch his movies when they are on TV but I do. God. I think I am a closet RC freak! too bad he no longer really looks like this...
I apologize for obsessing but...
So in the third video you can totally see me & the boy standing up at the front of the second balcony. The fourth video is from the party before the concert.
Kinda obsessed
So I was trolling the apts section on craigs list last night and found this amazing looking apt. Its a single, but the bedroom is a loft....kinda like Laura L's in Love Actually. I'm DYING to see it. I called the dude this am but have not heard back. Not sure if they allow pets. But the rent is cheaper than my current place now and there are two pics online and it looks SO cute. I want to see it now. I want it!
Friday, January 1, 2010
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