Thursday, July 3, 2008

SO alien to me....

la mere: so am I preventing your marriage by refusing to meet his parents?
me: ummmm....
la mere: I guess, I just don't understand people wanting to control others. It is just so (dramatic pause) alien to me. I just don't get it.
me: hrmmm (a strangled sound a la Hugh Grant in sense)


Esmee Grace said...

Tonight she asked me if I'd go with her instead of Dad going with her. I stared at her for a moment in horror, but then said yes since she also posited the idea that if they pushed her buttons she might snap and tell them everything, so if I were there I could prevent that!! Heaven forbid she, I dunno, behave herself.

Charles Grace said...

La Mere thinks you are "very upset" Dodie. And was all like "well, obviously she is very upset about this. they are just so controlling. But I can't refuse to go because I can't ruin everything for her. blah blah blah" at which point I tuned out. Just like I do when she starts talking to the schitzos unnecessarily while on the phone with me. le sigh.

Dodie Grace said...

i appreciate your self-sacrifice esmee...