Friday, June 19, 2009

Run For Your Lives!!!

So we were in Theater 2 in Maynard which means we were watching on a screen that is smaller than your average flatscreen television and despite the crappy reviews etc the seats were full. You know, all twenty of them. We also had the pleasure of attending with an old man (complete with quavery old-man voice) who liked to loudly say things like "What's he doing now?", "Oh look, there's the milk" and "Oh noooooo." The movie also used the typical Tony Scott shaky camera and jump cuts for absolutely no reason and played bits of some weird remix of Jay-Z's 99 Problems. Trailers included such gems as My Sister's Keeper (which almost made me throw up within it's 1.5 minutes of glory), something called Armored which seemed to involve Matt Dillon, Laurence Fishburne and Milo Ventimiglia (?!?!?!?), and finally the other Sandra Bullock rom-com whose title escapes me, but looks terrible despite having Sandra and Bradley Cooper.

Oh, and if this man got on my subway car, I would get the hell of that train no matter how late it made me. Just a thought.

p.s. La Mere loved the movie.


Dodie Grace said...

um, why oh why oh why????? i thought it was bad that we had to see terminator. soooo sorry....

Charles Grace said...

I am frightened. very frightened. I apologize on behalf of the movie business that you had to see that movie. also, all about steve looks HORRIBLE.