Friday, June 5, 2009

fuck fuck fuck

The crying has begun. Will not shut up about money and feeling judged and all that shit. I tried to segue into 'so i'm going to LA on monday' and mentioned Charles being worried about the medical thing and la mere said "and work has been hard for her lately too. Well if she wants to take a sabbatical from all that she can always move back here. I'm sure we can move all that stuff out of her room."
The fuck?
I'm pretty sure I didn't say a single word after that until she left for work. Dad took today off as well so he's puttering around somewhere. La mere kept going on about how she was looking forward to seeing the crazies at her work because they at least liked her.
Get me the FUCK out of this house!
Maybe I'll just leave her a note on monday. In LA. See you in a week!
(takes deep breath)
Okay well I'm going to buy some fucking groceries (if hummus, crackers and gingerale can be considered 'groceries') and then get the fuck out of here. Will probably just be hanging out with the boy so call any time.

1 comment:

Dodie Grace said...

i am never answering my phone again.