Thursday, October 2, 2008

Oddly, neither of the 'Rents noticed this when it happened...

Body in Fort Pond Brook still not identified
By Christian Schiavone/Staff Writer
Thu Sep 25, 2008, 07:27 PM EDT

Acton, Mass. -

Police have yet to determine the identity of a man found dead in Fort Pond Brook off River Street late Wednesday afternoon and are awaiting autopsy results from the state medical examiner’s office.

Two teenagers discovered the body after they spotted a bottle of vodka near the brook while walking along the train tracks and went for a closer look, according to police. After finding the man face down in the water, they rushed to a nearby house and called 911 at 5:22 p.m.

Lt. Robert Parisi, a spokesman for the department, said police found no identification on the body, which appeared to have been in the water for some time.

Parisi said the body was too badly decomposed for officers to determine even a rough estimate of the man’s age.

“We're going to find out exactly what happened,” Lt. Tom Rogers told a reporter at the scene on Wednesday night.

Acton police and firefighters as well as State Police were on the scene until after 9 p.m.


Charles Grace said...

Dear god! What is going on in Acton!?! Also, odd the parentals did not notice this...

Dodie Grace said...

have you seen le pere recently???

Dodie Grace said...

seriously, i am way freaked out about this story