So La Mere has been kinda depressed all week-not even going to Joe's and bitching about Sarah Palin cheered her up, which was kind of worrisome. Later I was talking to Nancy at work (who also runs a Blockbuster) about my vacation and mentioned that I'd just read Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas and was thinking of re-watching the movie, and she goes "Oh yeah, we just got 21 Jump Street at the store, you gotta see it, it's hilarious." So she lent it to me and I gotta say that mom seemed pretty excited- I mean, come on, this is a woman who watches every single procedural cop show, including occasionally British ones on PBS, and who also owns practically every Johnny Depp movie ever. If this doesn't cheer her up, I don't know what will.
Seriously though, keep an eye out (or rather an ear) 'cause I'm a bit afraid that this is the beginning of a downward spiral.
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