So at the behest of la mere, I watched all 4 new episodes of 24 this weekend. Have not seen the show since the first season. Kiefer Sutherland....so scary. Just as I found myself wondering, "Jack, how are you going to get yourself out of this one," he bit some guy's throat out. Wicked, over-the-top awesome. He also managed to make friends with a guy who was even scarier than himself (perfectly played by the sad-eyed liberal prince of Syriana). Though I was sad to see poor Kal Penn fall into the "brown man = terrorist" trap because isn't he some nice Hindu boy from Jersey? Charles, you've got to save him! I love Kiefer's voice. Absolutely addicted to the show now.
Ha ha! Yeah, poor Kal. The Namesake needs to come out so he can get some respect. And am I the only one who can never take Eric Balfour seriously?
Um, no. I am pretty sure no one can take Eric Balfour seriously. He has been on like every TV show ever.
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