Monday, December 12, 2011

New Year's Resolutions

Alright, so Es plans to be fabulous next year. Charles, what are you doing?

I was considering stealing Esmee's resolution as it is excellent and easily applied to life. For example, should I go see the new exhibit on Degas at the MFA? Yes, that is fabulous. Should I sit on la mere's couch drinking Miller High Life, eating potato chips and reading Janet Evanovich? No, that is not fabulous.

But then I thought I would adopt the motto, "What would Hermione do?" (The answer is invariably that she would go to the library.) As I try to push forward in academia, maybe that would get me moving. Would Hermione stay up late watching CSI repeats on tv? Answer, no, she would be re-reading her study notes. Would Hermione loll in bed until 9am? No, she would get up early and head to the library and then use her time-turner to do it again. Would Hermione put off her research? No, she would turn it in early.

1 comment:

Charles Grace said...

dress nicer, sell book, move back east.