Saturday, December 31, 2011
I think I just swooned
Due to reading the post you left for me on your computer. Have a safe trip back to LA Charles!
Friday, December 30, 2011
Best To-Do List. Ever.
"Trespassing" by Jennifer Egan.
1. Mow lawn
2. Get rid of that fucking hose
3. Wash windows
4. Spay cat
5. Dye hair
6. Do tarot cards
7. Pick up kids
8. Drop off kids at Mom's
9. Buy wig
10. See if small removable portion of fence can be cut QUIETLY
a. Kinds of clippers
b. Metal solvents
c. Electrical devices
1. How noisy?
2. Flying metal chips?
3. Danger of electrocution?
a. Rubber gloves/goggles?
b. Lethal?
1. Sign will
c. Does it make the body look really shitty at death?
1. Get tooth capped
11. Send warning letter
a. Newspaper cutouts?
b. Get kids to write it?
c. Write with left hand?
d. Be vague. "Certain unpleasant things"
12. Mail letter
a. Or drop it off while wearing wig
13. Renew meds
14. Investigate poisons
a. Flammable
b. Powders
c. Gasses
d. Pills
e. Herbal
f. Chemical
g. Musical
1. Ask kids
2. Hamlet – ear
h. Ingestible
1. Cookies?
i. Must look INNOCENT
15. Research cameras
a. Affixed to fence
b. Propped in hole cut in fence
c. Small, undetectable
d. Implanted in flowers
e. How to use?
f. Must be REASONABLY priced.
g. Take no shit from photo man.
1. Remind him of ruined prints.
16. Pick up kids
17. Make dinner
18. Get ready for party
a. Polka dots
b. Black gloves
c. Hair ribbon
d. Veil
e. Bring seltzer
f. Remind Stan of party
g. Plan two funny stories
h. Breathing exercises to prepare for seeing THEM
1. Kiss kiss
2. Hug hug
1. Mow lawn
2. Get rid of that fucking hose
3. Wash windows
4. Spay cat
5. Dye hair
6. Do tarot cards
7. Pick up kids
8. Drop off kids at Mom's
9. Buy wig
10. See if small removable portion of fence can be cut QUIETLY
a. Kinds of clippers
b. Metal solvents
c. Electrical devices
1. How noisy?
2. Flying metal chips?
3. Danger of electrocution?
a. Rubber gloves/goggles?
b. Lethal?
1. Sign will
c. Does it make the body look really shitty at death?
1. Get tooth capped
11. Send warning letter
a. Newspaper cutouts?
b. Get kids to write it?
c. Write with left hand?
d. Be vague. "Certain unpleasant things"
12. Mail letter
a. Or drop it off while wearing wig
13. Renew meds
14. Investigate poisons
a. Flammable
b. Powders
c. Gasses
d. Pills
e. Herbal
f. Chemical
g. Musical
1. Ask kids
2. Hamlet – ear
h. Ingestible
1. Cookies?
i. Must look INNOCENT
15. Research cameras
a. Affixed to fence
b. Propped in hole cut in fence
c. Small, undetectable
d. Implanted in flowers
e. How to use?
f. Must be REASONABLY priced.
g. Take no shit from photo man.
1. Remind him of ruined prints.
16. Pick up kids
17. Make dinner
18. Get ready for party
a. Polka dots
b. Black gloves
c. Hair ribbon
d. Veil
e. Bring seltzer
f. Remind Stan of party
g. Plan two funny stories
h. Breathing exercises to prepare for seeing THEM
1. Kiss kiss
2. Hug hug
Thursday, December 29, 2011
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
Can we watch this?
Thursday, December 22, 2011
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Sunday, December 18, 2011
Can we go to a Muse concert? Or Florence and the Machine?
When I return from the heart of Africa???? Can I go in costume to go see Florence? (I might be rocking out to "Shake it out" in my apt right now and wishing I could dress up like a Wiccan princess.....)
Saturday, December 17, 2011
What do you want for Christmas?
Not really sure why he thinks Santa sounds like the Old Spice guy.....
Friday, December 16, 2011
Thursday, December 15, 2011
Look what I copy both seasons of!!!
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Monday, December 12, 2011
Glad we grew up on mysteries

Now if only someone legit would make Nero Wolfe into a movie. (Who would play Archie? He is probably my second biggest literary crush, after Aragorn, obviously.)
V. v. excited for SH2!
Also every time I see the trailer, I think that I should learn how to read tarot cards.... anyone interested in getting their fortune told?
New Year's Resolutions
Alright, so Es plans to be fabulous next year. Charles, what are you doing?
I was considering stealing Esmee's resolution as it is excellent and easily applied to life. For example, should I go see the new exhibit on Degas at the MFA? Yes, that is fabulous. Should I sit on la mere's couch drinking Miller High Life, eating potato chips and reading Janet Evanovich? No, that is not fabulous.
But then I thought I would adopt the motto, "What would Hermione do?" (The answer is invariably that she would go to the library.) As I try to push forward in academia, maybe that would get me moving. Would Hermione stay up late watching CSI repeats on tv? Answer, no, she would be re-reading her study notes. Would Hermione loll in bed until 9am? No, she would get up early and head to the library and then use her time-turner to do it again. Would Hermione put off her research? No, she would turn it in early.
I was considering stealing Esmee's resolution as it is excellent and easily applied to life. For example, should I go see the new exhibit on Degas at the MFA? Yes, that is fabulous. Should I sit on la mere's couch drinking Miller High Life, eating potato chips and reading Janet Evanovich? No, that is not fabulous.
But then I thought I would adopt the motto, "What would Hermione do?" (The answer is invariably that she would go to the library.) As I try to push forward in academia, maybe that would get me moving. Would Hermione stay up late watching CSI repeats on tv? Answer, no, she would be re-reading her study notes. Would Hermione loll in bed until 9am? No, she would get up early and head to the library and then use her time-turner to do it again. Would Hermione put off her research? No, she would turn it in early.
Sunday, December 11, 2011
Saturday, December 10, 2011
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
Cannot wait for you guys to get here!
A Touch of Evil
You guys must watch this. I love how Viola Davis really goes for it. She is amazingly committed.
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
Maybe we should play this and Uno over Christmas....
I know which team Charles and I are rooting for. ;)
Monday, December 5, 2011
Couldn't find peaches so I ended up making plum shortbread instead
Sunday, December 4, 2011
Saturday, December 3, 2011
couldn't find the video i was looking for
so I decided to just put this one instead. I had totally forgot that rzzzzzz was in this!
Thursday, December 1, 2011
In other words, she was exceptionally decked out.

"Salander was dressed for the day in a black t-shirt with a picture on it of E.T. with fangs, and the words I AM ALSO AN ALIEN. She had on a black skirt that was frayed at the hem, a worn-out black, mid-length leather jacket, rivet belt, heavy Doc Marten boots, and horizontally striped, green-and-red knee socks. She had put on make-up in a color scheme that indicated that she might be colorblind. In other words, she was exceptionally decked out."
Can't wait!
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