Saturday, March 12, 2011

So crushable

Guys, I'm like 14 yrs old again. I think it has been over a decade since I had a crush on anyone....

He speaks five languages, can muscle a land cruiser across the savannah (I've always had a thing for guys who drive stick. that sounds way dirtier than I intended...), is teaching himself to play guitar and promised to practice "I'm Yours" to play for me the next time I am in town, and loves to play with babies.

On the other hand, he wears mandals (Birks, maybe forgivable. I am pretty earthy-crunchy), loves Glee, and is closer in age to Charles than me (robbing the cradle, totally cool, right Es?)

Then there was this interaction last night:

Co-worker: I can't imagine that positions like yours would be in high demand. I mean, you can't have a significant other or kids or anything with your job.

Me: (Laughing.) I suppose not. My failings in that department are an asset for my work here.

My crush: I don't know. (Looking at me.) Maybe we came to Africa to find love.

Le grand sigh. I think my life might actually be turning into an episode of Off the Map.


Charles Grace said...

oh dear. if he's closer in age to me, does that mean he's the year between us, my age or a year below me? Cause in the real world, that's really not that far from you. you're less than two years older than me you goof so hardly cradle robbing. however the mandals are pretty unforgiveable in most situations. just....does he wear them with socks? or is this wearing them because he is in africa and its hot outside?

Esmee Grace said...

I'm gonna give him a pass on the mandals since you're in Africa. I mean, like Charles said if he wears them with socks when he's stateside that's a dealbreaker but it makes sense where you are.


Dodie Grace said...

1) he just turned 29.

2) he does not wear socks with the mandals. that would def be a dealbreaker....

Dodie Grace said...

pros: he is re-reading harry potter

cons: he plays the flute