Wednesday, September 29, 2010

How to make an awesome cast awesomer?

Add these guys.


Esmee Grace said...

La Mere: Yeah so Stephen Fry...
Me: Stephen Fry? I'm in!
La Mere: going to be in the next Sherlock Holmes as his brother.
Me: As Mycroft? Oh my god, epic win!
La Mere: Right. And they've cast Moriarity, he's going to be played by the guy on Fringe, you know the one in the prison.
Me: Riiight. Which one again?
La Mere: Apparently he's Richard Harris' son.
Me: Oh my god! Jared Harris!?!?!
La Mere: Maybe?
Me: He was also on Mad Men! I love him!
La Mere: Okay then.

Charles Grace said...

that is possibly the best conversation ever. i just almost snorted.

Dodie Grace said...

she only knew that b/c i told her...