Thursday, May 21, 2009

Please help

Le Pere wants me to go on vacation with him here. He's really excited and thinks this is a really good idea. He also seems to think that convincing La Mere of this is the only obstacle and not the fact that even if I did want to go on some kind of vacation with him (which I don't) I would not want to go camping in some strange cold place. I have mentioned numerous times my aversion to nature but he doesn't seem to notice. I mean, my ideal vacation includes words like "museums", "cafes", "bookstores", and "rock clubs". Not 'glaciers', 'tents', or 'volcanos'. Well, if I needed a true incentive to get a job, like now, this is it.


Charles Grace said...

wait, wait, wait...le pere wants you to go camping in Iceland? Oy. That's no good. I mean, fine line between getting out of it and not hurting his feelings. I don't envy you.

Dodie Grace said...

but you could like totally save the icelandic economy by injecting money into their tourist business

they somehow produced bjork so there must be some avant garde art there, right?