Sunday, May 31, 2009

YES! and no...

Three new episodes of Pushing Daisies!! Yes!!

If they weren't the very last three. Damn.


I managed to record about half of the WRONG BOX on television last night. cursing myself for not finding it sooner and recording the whole thing. I was like "OH MY GOD....IF ONLY I HAD KNOWN THE WRONG BOX WAS ON TV AHHHHHHH" We still need to find this on DVD

cutest picture ever

Thursday, May 28, 2009

So funny. loves it! and excited for this movie

Monday, May 25, 2009

A-ha a-ha a-ha! Vindicated!!!

Listen to this quote from Elle (clearly I have once again been writing articles for Elle while sleeping): "By the time he married Johansson, half the world said, "Oh, the tall guy with the abs." The other half said, "I loved him in The Notebook," referring to the tearjerker starring another Canadian, Ryan Gosling."
PS in this picture he is wearing a UNS...aka an unnecessary scarf....wonderful new term I was recently introduced to....

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Please feel free to join my bandwagon

And good luck suffering through this movie. Entire budget seems to have gone towards blowing things up.

Weird and Wonderful

New Grizzly Bear on tuesday! Yes!

You have to watch until the end of the video. Thats when it gets weird. Well, weirder.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Only like seven more months

Please help

Le Pere wants me to go on vacation with him here. He's really excited and thinks this is a really good idea. He also seems to think that convincing La Mere of this is the only obstacle and not the fact that even if I did want to go on some kind of vacation with him (which I don't) I would not want to go camping in some strange cold place. I have mentioned numerous times my aversion to nature but he doesn't seem to notice. I mean, my ideal vacation includes words like "museums", "cafes", "bookstores", and "rock clubs". Not 'glaciers', 'tents', or 'volcanos'. Well, if I needed a true incentive to get a job, like now, this is it.

The one bright spot in an otherwise blah movie

But really Dan Brown, in a story where the two villain options are an attractive young priest or an angry middle aged vatican security dude with a vague European accent, at this point I'd probably be more surprised if the villain was the latter. Just sayin'.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

This is quite possibly the cutest thing ever

La Mere's new obsession

It amuses me that La Mere latest obsession is this man:
But I guess it makes sense...EW described him thusly: He was apparently made by the hand of God and left in a basket backstage at Wicked, where he was discovered, bestowed with a lifetime supply of black nail polish, and raised by musical-theater queens.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Is it me, or this the most awesome picture ever?

Where does she even get such clothes? Does she make them herself? Can I shop there and look like I wandered out of a Victorian attic as the fug girls once said?

Sunday, May 17, 2009

File this under Random but Awesome...

I want a Pengbot! Surely we can write a screenplay where these things somehow figure into the secret plot of some evil mastermind. I think Dr. Impossible would approve.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009



Sunday, May 10, 2009

Is it super nerdy..

...that I am really really excited to watch The Sound of Music on TV tonight? Yes, it is on ABC family. Yes, it involves singing nuns. But it ALSO involves young Christopher Plummer, whom i LOVE. Oh sound of Music, how i love you so. such a nerd.

I wish I was in London

This is really fucking cool. I'm such a sucker for installation pieces.

Someone used the description of "Obama-type feelings"...

Friday, May 8, 2009

More pics

I wasn't allowed to take photos during the show for obvious reasons, but here are some pics from the site.

Amanda Fucking Palmer!!

Adam and I got hugged by Amanda Palmer tonight and now we can die happy.

this is kinda funny

Some concerts are musically impressive...

...and some are just really really fun.

Like singing-along-and-dancing-like-crazy fun.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

As usual, I agree with Jen G

she is just so normal and awesome. I like her more and more!

Jennifer Garner credits her sister Melissa with her success. "If I'm totally honest, I wouldn't be where I am today if it wasn't for the fact that I have this bigger-than-life, incredible older sister," says Garner. "She's beautiful, and she was valedictorian, got a 1600 on her SATs and was the head majorette. I was just the middle kid, kind of looking for attention. So that's what drove me, I think, to do things she wasn't doing."

"Because I watched them all die..."

Did they just...?
Did that just...?

Oh my God Lost!


Tuesday, May 5, 2009

La Mere day

So, unsurprisingly I didn't really get it together in time to buy la mere a gift. I somehow thought that Mother's Day was much later in the month. Oh Well. So I am sending her a card with a pretend gift certificate that I made to buy her flowers. Its actually kinda cute I think. I drew little flowers on it! Esmee I am I sending you a creepy cat card with a check so you can take her flower shopping and buy her whatever she likes. I'm sending hopefully enough. If there is extra money, take her out for coffee or lunch maybe. Anyways, that's what I am doing this year. Hopefully makes her happy.

Monday, May 4, 2009


This EW article pretty much sums the movie up...

...although when the writer says "two hot guys" I'd substitute the word "scary" for "hot".

Poor Ryan Reynolds...

Exhibit A is how he starts out in Wolverine...

Exhibit B is how he ends it...

Seriously, does he owe some sort of blood-debt to his cracked-out agent?

Friday, May 1, 2009

Hey Charles

Saw this photo of Anton at the Star Trek premier and can't help thinking of that story about the Russian Communist flasks. I think perhaps it isn't the sun he's blocking out, no?