Saturday, April 18, 2009

It was like Cliffnotes

So other than just lacking in the awesomeness that the mini-series had, the major project was that they kept going around declaring how russell and ben were college roommates and somehow robin w-p was ben's college sweetheart. Considering that she is SEVEN years older than Ben and considering how Russell is NINE years older than Ben, its a little bit ridiculous to try and imagine them all at college together unless you picture Ben circa the 2nd voyage of the mimi. Also, as amazing as Helen M is, I missed Bill Nighy (whom the alleged producer at the q & a kept mispronouncing his name. so amateur). I dunno. I just love the original so much. And the original had james.

1 comment:

Dodie Grace said...

OMG, F and I saw it last night. (At Georgetown, of course b/c it was rather cool to watch the film at the scene of the crime.) The one thing that bothered me as a dc resident was with the opening where the chick appeared to be leaving her apt in Adams Morgan (in the heart of NW) and then getting on the metro at Rosslyn (in VA). Also, OMG OMG, I'm pretty sure the scary assassin dude was living in Esmee's old apt complex in Crystal City!!! And I loved the mockery of the disgusting Americana Hotel in Arlington. hee hee.
all in all the film was waay better than i expected. but then you know i love a good journalist movie. the blatant homage to ATPM at the end made me nostalgic.