Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Dearest Esmee

Darling Esmee,

I was beyond excited to see a brown box on the kitchen table when I got home tonight. I was even more excited to see it had my name on it! Of course my excitement continued with the THREE packages that were waiting inside for me!!! (Dodie, in case she didn't tell you she got me a beautiful picture frame - which will soon hold pictures of you both, a gorgeous blue box with gold detail and a lovely green dish). You know me so well, they are exactly what I wanted. They are so totally my taste and the way I want my apt to look. Just beautiful little things that make it look classy and grown up (but useful too!). So so so much better than a brown mat. I absolutely love them and they came at the perfect time when everything seems so dark, they brightened up my day.

Love you so so much! You are both the most important people in the world to me and always will be. I miss you both terribly right now and cannot wait to see you soon!

Love, Charles


Dodie Grace said...

who got you a brown mat?

Charles Grace said...

la mere. cause i asked for nice pretty things for my apt.