Friday, August 31, 2007

I promise to stop posting on this for a while after this...but you too will soon be swept up in my obsessesion

Although we must wait until December to see the movie, it apparently had a smashing debut at the Venice Film Festival, getting AMAAAZING reviews.

here are a few choice comments from the Variety and Hollywood Reporter reviews.

From Variety: "Rarely has a book sprung so vividly to life, but also worked so enthrallingly in pure movie terms, as with “Atonement,” Brit helmer Joe Wright’s smart, dazzlingly upholstered adaptation of Ian McEwan’s celebrated 2001 novel."

"Keira Knightley -- echoed by co-thesp James McAvoy --proves every bit as magnetic as the divas of those classic mellers pic consciously references."

"But it’s Knightley and McAvoy’s film, with both showing impressive star poise and physical elan. As the more controlled Cecilia, Knightley hints at the rebel behind the upper-middle-class mask, while McAvoy shows a sheer emotional range that’s completely new to his career. Like Irish thesp Ronan, the Scots actor also turns in an immaculate southern English accent."

From Hollywood Reporter:

""Atonement," Ian McEwan's best-selling novel of love thwarted by juvenile fantasy, has been rendered on screen so well by director Joe Wright and screenwriter Christopher Hampton that it ranks with the best novel adaptations of recent times."

"With compelling and charismatic performances by Keira Knightley and James McAvoy as the lovers, and a stunning contribution from Romola Garai as their remorseful nemesis, the film goes directly to "The English Patient" territory and might also expect rapturous audiences and major awards."

I have to say it...I told you so!!! Didn't I say this movie was going to be amaaaazing like a year ago??? Dodie, you have to trust me that this film is incredible and james mcavoy brilliant!! (I don't think I need to say anything on the brilliance of Keira, now do i?)

Thursday, August 30, 2007

This is pretty much the best thing ever...

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

very cool i'm not there clip

check out this clip from the next todd payne movie I'm Not There with the ever excellent cate blanchett as bob dylan as s/he interacts with allen ginsberg.

Obama girl vs Giuliani girl

have you guys seen this? totally hilarious. booty shaking skank hos singing about how much they love obama and giuliani.

Monday, August 20, 2007

Proud Member of the Cash-Strapped Alt-Nation

"While the Download Festival didn't quite deliver on its promise to connect artists and audience (the ballyhooed master classes were downgraded to autograph sessions and big names avoided the Q&A stage altogether), Modest Mouse frontman Isaac Brock bridged the divide with one offhand comment encouraging fans in the back of the half-empy venue to take the open seats in the front section. Anarchy ensued. The gleeful but cash-strapped alt-nation barrelled past ushers and spilled over rows as Brock barked the apropos opening lines to "Float On": "I backed my car into a cop the other day/ Well he just drove off, sometimes life's OK." (Boston Globe)

Yep, that was me and my friends barrelling past security and climbing over seats to get within 30 feet of the stage so we could tell Johnny Marr how much we loved him. Ahhh... heaven is an alternative rock concert.

Sunday, August 19, 2007

I confess to be a little obsessed...

It doesn't come out until December but I am already SO excited. I want this poster so badly. Sigh. Went to see Becoming Jane today just to see some James McAvoy goodness. Remember when he was in white teeth like 5 years ago and I was all like "that guy is amazing" and i dodie was like "that guy is weird and nerdy" (which admitedly he kinda was) but I was always so excited when he was in stuff. I feel like he is a big well known actor at this point but maybe I am a little delusional and its only in my mind that every girl is in love with him a little bit. anyways, he was SO hot in the movie. Not sure why I find guys in foppish long coats so attractive but I do.

anyways...where have you two been? why am I the only one who posts anymore? Sigh. At least Esmee is coming to visit!

Saturday, August 11, 2007

New Atonement trailer!!! New Atonement trailer!!! - this link works pretty good and you can see it clearly.
Anyways, this second trailer makes it look even more amazing. I'm having an incredibly lazy day today. sigh. ah well. sometimes we need one of those, right?

Also, Dodie, forgot to tell you this on Friday when I was talking about the screening but they mention Concord prison (a ref to father gaigen or however that is spelled) but I was mildly excited cause I am nerdy like that.

Saturday, August 4, 2007

This is funny

We should really try that game sometime...

Thursday, August 2, 2007

Don't we just have impeccable taste???

Check out page 32 of the August edition of Empire magazine for a first look at The Brothers Bloom, including my favorite line about how 'the script's shrouded in secrecy.' Hehe. Can't wait can't wait can't wait.