Monday, April 2, 2007

La Folie de Notre Mere...

Check out my most recent email...

Hi, I see by the news you seem to be living in the new crime capitol of the world. Keep safe. Hope to see you some time this week. On the otherhand, the Hollywood Hills are burning and of course, DC is always the nutty capitol of the world. Love and hugs, Mom

In the subject she just wrote "Dorchester". The way she talks you'd think I live in Beiruit. But apparently you guys have to look out for forest fires and insane people.

1 comment:

Charles Grace said...

It really was remarkable. She seemed to know about the fire in the hills and email me almost immediately after it happened. Its like she has a sixth sense for possible threats to the way of life that is not in Acton.

Frightening. And, no, you don't live in the crime capitol of the world. She needs to stop watching so much damn news all the freakin time!!!