I just watched the trailer for Penelope (and can I just say we soooo called James McAvoy before absolutely anyone else) and now I want to watch White Teeth really bad. Except the stupid thing isn't out on DVD. Grrrrr. Anyways, the trailer had the song Funeral by Band of Horses which reminded me you guys might want some new music. This is what I've gotten since Christmas, check them out on ITunes and let me know if you want any of them. This month there's the new Arcade Fire and new Modest Mouse too.
Everything All the Time- Band of Horses
Robbers & Cowards- The Cold War Kids
Gang of Losers- The Dears
The Back Room- The Editors
Another Fine Day- Golden Smog
The Good, The Bad and The Queen
Speak For Yourself- Imogen Heap
Aim Right for the Holes in their Lives- Novillero
Hissing Fauna, Are You the Destroyer?- Of Montreal
Oh No- Ok Go
Carnavas- Silversun Pickups
Return to Cookie Mountain- TV On the Radio
With Love and Squalor- We Are Scientists
Monday, February 26, 2007
Thursday, February 22, 2007
Simian records
hey esmee, did you know that Elijah Wood opened a record label called Simian records. I think the only band is Apples in Stereo. have you heard of them?
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
Jack Bauer vs the boston ATHF scare
kinda funny spoof of the embarassing situ in boston. have snow day cuz dc is wimpy so am watching the departed. so awesome. am enjoying it even more the second go-round.
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
Brideshead revisited!!!!!

According to Empire "British actors Matthew Goode and Ben Whishaw have been cast in the pivotal roles of Charles Ryder and Sebastian Flyte" What do you guys think?? I thought Goode was excellent in match point as a raffish brit elite type. Not sure he can pull off the angst of Ch-ch-ch-charles Ryder.
Um, and charles, is there any truth to the tom cruise & ben stiller are going to play the Hardy boys?? i mean the Hardy men???
Monday, February 12, 2007
Sunday, February 11, 2007
Friday, February 9, 2007
Sympathy for the devil...
So I've been reading I Lucifer by Glen Duncan, and I have to say it's absofuckinlutely hilarious. My dear Charles, have you read the script? I hope they don't eff it up royally, but then it has both Ewan McGregor and our dear Daniel in it, so it can't be terrible. If you know anything about the project, please do tell.
Thursday, February 8, 2007
Thoughts on John legend?
He seems talented enough. I don't really know his music though. Seems v smart. Also, very prompt in responding to emails!!
Monday, February 5, 2007
who greenlit this???
um charles, really, who greenlights these things??? black snake moan. So scary. and you thought cristina ricci was scary in the ice storm, now she is even scarier as a totally anorexic blonde.
Friday, February 2, 2007
Rottweiler Molly showing her maternal instincts with lambs Lucky and Charm

Why do people always name their dogs Molly????
They have a fearsome reputation, but one Rottweiler is proving that the breed has a softer side by helping to rear two lambs. Molly has been using her maternal instincts after lambs Lucky and Charm were born with complications on a farm. Her owner Maria Foster, 38, from Forden, near Welshpool in Powys, said Molly slept with the pair at night, and even protected them from other animals. Lucky and Charm are recovering and will be placed in a field in about 10 days.
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