Wednesday, October 19, 2011

But What is Burn Notice as RFK

In J Edgar. At least he is actually from Mass. maybe the accent won't be too horrible....


Esmee Grace said...

Haha, oh my god, Charles and I had a conversation about this yesterday. We saw an ad for J. Edgar and we were like...that's supposed to be Bobby, right? Not JFK? Cause he doesn't look like JFK, he looks like RFK. Also we talked about the fact that there is a Boston accent and then there is a Kennedy accent, which is a whole other thing.

Charles Grace said...

YES we were totally discussing this and were like "that had better not be JFK cause that seems like RFK.." only Bostonians would be able to really tell the difference...

Dodie Grace said...

i think it has to do with hair height....

Dodie Grace said...

you mean like how teddy always referred to the president as "Obamer"