Tuesday, January 11, 2011



Esmee Grace said...

do you think la mere would notice if I got a kitten? I mean if she heard it mewing I could always just say it was the animals in the walls.

Dodie Grace said...

i think that is a great plan!

Charles Grace said...

I totally think you should!! I mean really, she won't notice and the baby needs a little sibling to take care of and play with. and kittens are SO CUTE and then they grow up to be devoted cats who want to sleep practically on your face at night because they just can't get close enough to you. I seriously don't know what I would do without my buddy anymore.

Charles Grace said...

also, i would just like to point out that we have brought home other cats before and she did not notice at first. so. just saying.

Dodie Grace said...

ummm, there isn't much difference between 4 cats and 5 cats but going from 1 to 2, she might notice...just saying. still think we should get another kitty. even though i'm totally allergic....