Monday, January 11, 2010

Hipster Central

AND very soon you will be out here in the sunny clime, in my loverly new building (seriously, google map the address, the building is A-MAZING). And we have ameoba records, and you can explore silver lake and go to concerts of cool new bands, and its sunny and beautiful and while i am gone you will be living on your own in my loverly apt (while i am freezing my ass off in canada). and the new place is by cool shops and coffee places on La Brea and not far from the grove. it will be rad!


Dodie Grace said...

i have vacay in may and will come visit. seeing as i already look like death warmed up, by may i will be as ashen as edward cullen and in desperate need of some sun. maybe we can make it to the getty palazzo this time or venture up the pch a bit.

Dodie Grace said...

i will also come visit charles in oh canada! must start shopping for fur lined articles of clothing now!

Esmee Grace said...

Yes, it is currently 24 degrees here and I am feeling very cold and pale. Sigh, New England winter. I will not say anything about snow because I do not want to jinx us.