Sunday, November 1, 2009

Oh I think I might need this shirt...

Remember how it used to be totally cool to like drink Pabst Blue Ribbon beer out of a can because of reasons, but then hipsters came along and all of the hipsters started drinking Pabst Blue Ribbon out of a can and proclaiming the reasons and making everyone annoyed? Or how about how like there was this band that you used to like, also because of reasons, and you used to go to their shows, but then all these hipsters started to go to the shows drinking their PBRs out of cans and having a good old hipster time and that just sort of ruined the whole experience of going to see the band. Or how about how you got this fixed gear bicycle and it was great and superior to regular bikes that might have more than one gear or that might just have one gear but that gear isn't fixed meaning the wheel can spin independently from the pedals and you used to have a good time riding around on your fixed gear bike and also talking to all of your friends about the reasons that fixed gear bikes were better than for example the bikes they (your friends) might ride, but then all these hipsters started to ride fixed gear bicycles and talk to their friends about how superior they are to other kinds of bicycles and they turned fixed gear bicycles into a hipster thing and now you can't ride the fixie anymore because people might think you are a hipster? These, my friends are but a few examples of how Hipsters Ruin Everything. Buy this shirt and let those hipsters know just how you feel about them. But do it quick, before hipsters start to buy them and wear them in an ironic fashion.

1 comment:

Charles Grace said...

hahahahahaha! this is HILARIOUS. I want one!