Monday, April 13, 2009

Who says I'm predictable?

So Thursday night was spent watching as 6'9" Lucic "put his hands around the defenseman's head and brought him down to the ice". I never would have expected having such a good time surrounded by angry, drunk canadians watching grown men kick the crap out of each other, but a good time it was.

Then Friday was spent a little more normally at The Brattle for a screening of The Maltese Falcon. And no, that scene with Peter Lorre and Humphrey Bogart never, ever gets old.
"Look what you did to my shirt!"


Dodie Grace said...

i still can't get over the fact that you and r went to a hockey game?!?!?
ps did you see about the bench clearing brawl X2 that the sox had this weekend. awesome.

Charles Grace said...

dude hockey games are the best. FIGHT! I love how that guy is just kicking the crap out of that other guy WHILE WEARING ICE SKATES