Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Its not just men in 3 piece suits...

....its Johnny Depp and Christian Bale in three piece suits with guns, as my friend N put it. Shriek in excitement over the trailer pls!


Dodie Grace said...

OMG. totally shrieking right now. had to watch the trailer twice in row before i could even stop to comment.
cannot wait to see it!

Dodie Grace said...

ps, you know that colin farrell in a three piece suit is the ONLY reason i own minority report, right?

Charles Grace said...

I thought you might have that reaction!!!! Nicole and I were im shrieking about it!
and colin in minority report? so hot!

Esmee Grace said...

We totally need to bring back the three piece suit!
Now I'm gonna go watch the trailer again. Of course since I live at home, you just know I'll be seeing the movie like, twice, with La Mere. At least.