Thursday, February 12, 2009

Remember when we didn't love Tilda???

Seriously, what were we on then?

Okay, so Tilda Swinton is going along, doing her weirdo movies, living with her undoubtedly odd kids, older husband, younger lover in some uber-hippie part of France, wondering what the hell project she can involve herself in that could possibly get any weirder.

And voila...


...Patrick Wolf, shows up. Dickensian-street-urchin/wunderkind-singer-violinist who dropped out of school to 'get his degree in life', busk, experiment in 'noise-music', heterosexuality, etc before making two AWESOME albums.

After several years he's finally coming out (of the closet) with a new album, and it involves SWINTON (as the Fug girls would say).
Red-heads in unconventional relationships unite?

1 comment:

Charles Grace said...

Yeah...she is insanely awesome and I adore the fug girls. love that you love them too. SWINTON!!!