Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Les Cadeux

Okay, so let me know if you guys need and/or want anything from Borders cause I'm currently getting 40% off everything including DVD's. I already got mom The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo, and I'll probably be getting her a date book and wall calendar so I can give her these things, or if you guys want to buy something off me thats fine too.


Charles Grace said...

Ok, will you get the following and I will pay you back? 3 copies DARJEELING EXPRESS, HARRY POTTER 5 DVD, ENCOUNTERS AT THE END OF THE WORLD (documentary DVD for the pere), cookbook that Dodie wants (reference previous post please!!), um, and I think that is all for now? Are there any of those new crazy little pirates in adventure with books? Anyone want to get me one? I have the first me tomorrow though and we can discuss all...

Dodie Grace said...

do you guys need any dvd box sets? is the 2nd season of the tudors out yet for charles? the original brideshead series (or do you own that already?) does anyone need various west wing seasons?

Charles Grace said...

hmm lets see...tudors 2 would of course ALWAYS be amazing...should I bring season 1 with me? has esmee not seen it yet? esmee of course got me brideshead one year (always a good gift), and I have the first three seasons of west wing...of course...although I do not own pushing daisies....hmmmm