Wednesday, April 2, 2008

This might be the best trailer ever

OMG. all I have to say. Combination of all things good. Must watch now. Could not stop laughing.


Dodie Grace said...

was veeery confused by this trailer...whoa james franco

Esmee Grace said...

Its like Some Like It Hot minus the drag, and plus a whole lotta weed! Thug life!

Charles Grace said...

yeah, I read the script so it makes sense to me. so its kinda like all the other dumb Judd Apatow type comedies, BUT its directed by art-house director extrodinaire David Gordon Green (whom you know I ADORE, All the Real Girls, whooo). So it has all these artsy shots and stuff. Pretty much, you know how we've always thought James Franco was funny but he always did these crap epic movies? well, he is finally being hilarious again. I dunno. I just think its the funniest thing. and one of my gal pals saw it and said it was A-MAZING. high hopes.