Wednesday, February 27, 2008

So much therapy little time...

La Mere: I'm going to say something you're not going to want to hear.


La Mere: I think you should date a computer nerd.

Me: ...?

La Mere: Your father has screwed up my computer, so I think you need to date a tech geek so they can come over and fix it.

Me: I, what?

La Mere: It could be a guy or a girl. Doesn't matter. And you wouldn't even have to date that long, they'd understand why you were dumping them because they're a nerd and probably used to it.

(at this point in the conversation I leave the room and break into my stash of vodka)


Charles Grace said...

Oh. My. God.


Dodie Grace said...

um, or maybe you could HIRE a computer geek to fix it or CALL a helpline like a NORMAL person.... i'm so sorry....