Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Les Cadeux Pour La Mere

I got the following things for mom from Borders:
Jeeves and Wooster Season 2 (ie the one w/the cow creamer)
Edward Gorey Wall Calendar (she picked it out herself)
The Third Man (she mentioned she wanted it over the summer)
and Finn (a novel). I figure I'll give her the Third Man and the book since she mentioned them to me before, so if either of you two want to give her the calendar or the Wodehouse, let me know.


Charles Grace said...

Can I do the calendar pretty please? me loves Edward Gorey!

Dodie Grace said...

you are so good esmee, she's been totally wanting to read finn forever. a book about irresponsible parents, right up her alley. i'll do the wodehouse. i also got her 2 walmart shirts. let me know if one of you want to give her one.

Charles Grace said...

I'd LOVE to give her a walmart shirt. that is exactly the kind of things she loves