According to Empire "British actors Matthew Goode and Ben Whishaw have been cast in the pivotal roles of Charles Ryder and Sebastian Flyte" What do you guys think?? I thought Goode was excellent in match point as a raffish brit elite type. Not sure he can pull off the angst of Ch-ch-ch-charles Ryder.
Um, and charles, is there any truth to the tom cruise & ben stiller are going to play the Hardy boys?? i mean the Hardy men???
So Brideshead (which is such a painful script I've tried to read it three times and can't get past like page 40. example: when charles sees julia on the ship for the first time near the beginning - part 2 of the book i think - she turns around and goes "Hello Charles" its downright dreadful. Makes me want to puke), so the roles are "out" ot the boys but I haven't gotten any emails saying they are confirmed for this. I think they would be good in the roles if only it wasn't some dreadful revisionist horrifying thing. WIll keep you posted on it. and if I am ever able to finish the script.
As for the Hardy boys, I think its something actually being considered but nothing is set yet. Again, I have not seen any emails saying "We've made a deal for TC to do HARDY MEN, blah blah blah" Its kinda an "eh" script.
So more thoughts on these freaky boys (though agency clients, so realize should be nice) but i didn't realize that Ben Whishaw was the annoying kid in Layer Cake (have watched that movie an unhealthy number of times). Although amusingly if you look him up on the imdb part of his trivia is that his favorite animal is cats. I'm sure that will win him lots of ladies...right....(although thinking about it, he does somehow have sienna miller as a girlfriend in layer cake)
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