Wednesday, November 30, 2011


My favorite Swedish-Congolese singer was featured on CSI Miami!!!!

I didn't think anyone in the Western hemisphere knew this song!

Monday, November 28, 2011

Tiny People on the Beach, Giant Head in the Clouds

From a hilarious ONTD post.

"Thirteen movie poster trends that are here to stay and what they say about their movies"

"These movies are always sappy dramas. Do not allow you to be mislead by the trailer or calibre of the people involved into thinking otherwise. The protagonist/his little brother/father and/or love interest is very likely to end up dead. You probably should keep your tissues handy because you'll cry tears of sorrow, tears of joy, tears because you just wasted 13 dollars on this movie. This sort of poster is inevitably used for anything that involves Nicholas Sparks."

I totally take it back

I am absolutely addicted to Once Upon A Time. (And I want Ginnifer Goodwin/Snow White's entire wardrobe. and her cute apartment).

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Friday, November 25, 2011

Necessities for the well-stocked cottage...

I vote for croquet and badminton. Suggestions for the bookcase? A complete collection of PG Wodehouse? (And heliotrope pajamas to wear while lounging around while reading PG Wodehouse, of course.)

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Thursday, November 17, 2011

I know this is not your cup of tea

or not Es' anyway, but I am totally seeing this movie. God there hasn't been a good romantic movie in awhile. also i want her wardrobe as always.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Vegetarian Corn Chowder

So every time I watch Parks and Rec

it gives me undeniable proof that I should be dating a nerd (um, hello, Adam Scott!) And here is more proof. Time to start writing my, "Are you my Lincoln Lee? profile....

I take your Ron Swanson vs Jack Donaghy poster and raise you one

Behold a Wanted poster for Malcolm Reynolds. Le sigh.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Its really time to get that cottage...

we're watching Contagion...see if we had a cottage with a garden we would be totes fine.

Cheese and Jam cookies

Crabbe (of Crabbe and Goyle), actually a baddie hooligan

From The Guardian

"An actor who has appeared in the Harry Potter films has been charged with violent disorder in the wake of the London riots, and possession of cannabis."

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Sunday, November 6, 2011

I think I am going to have to watch this at least twice

In order to understand what is going on. Slightly weirded out to see Dumbledore as not Dumbledore. Also, is it weird to be attracted to Bill Nighy????


Friday, November 4, 2011

Why we can all feel ok about only buying cheap wine....

From The Atlantic:

"In 2001, Frederic Brochet conducted two experiments at the University of Bordeaux.

In one experiment, he got 54 oenology (the study of wine tasting and wine making) undergraduates together and had them taste one glass of red wine and one glass of white wine. He had them describe each wine in as much detail as their expertise would allow. What he didn't tell them was both were the same wine. He just dyed the white one red. In the other experiment, he asked the experts to rate two different bottles of red wine. One was very expensive, the other was cheap. Again, he tricked them. This time he had put the cheap wine in both bottles. So what were the results?

The tasters in the first experiment, the one with the dyed wine, described the sorts of berries and grapes and tannins they could detect in the red wine just as if it really was red. Every single one, all 54, could not tell it was white. In the second experiment, the one with the switched labels, the subjects went on and on about the cheap wine in the expensive bottle. They called it complex and rounded. They called the same wine in the cheap bottle weak and flat."

I mean if oenophiles cannot even tell the difference between red and white????

Did you hear the one about the frozen armadillo????

From the NYTimes:

"Important News You May Have Missed Dept.: While you and I have been spending the fall worrying about the secret talks of the Congressional supercommittee or trying to determine whether it would be a fun idea to dress as Rick Santorum for Halloween, other even more fascinating news events have been occurring.... “Man Allegedly Beat Woman With Frozen Armadillo.”

“According to investigators, the altercation occurred when the suspect was selling the carcass to the victim, who planned to eat the animal,” said a report from Lynn Kawano of Fox 4 News. “The pair apparently began arguing over the price of the item when the man twice threw the armadillo at the woman.”

Another report said the victim knew her attacker and had, in fact, been storing his armadillo in her freezer. But everyone agrees on the salient armadillo-as-weapon point. And we are left with several questions.

Is frozen armadillo illegal? Or is it a sort of sidewalk-vendor novelty item, like frozen custard? Are armadillos tasty? Are they endangered?

No to the last one. “They’re not in any short numbers,” said Scott Vaca, the assistant chief of wildlife enforcement at the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department. He added that it was illegal to sell a live armadillo, but not a dead one.

This seemed a little strange. I’m sure the armadillo, for one, would prefer the live route. But Vaca was really not interested in debating the matter.

“I’m telling you the law,” he said. “It’s illegal to sell a living armadillo. By statute. Dead armadillos you can sell parts of them. Make a curio of a little armadillo on his back drinking a bottle of beer.”


Yeah, best NYT column ever. and more evidence that we should never move to Texas.


SO apparently two people searched for "badass aquarium" and ended up on our blog.....

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

So their show is kinda terrible

But they were adorable for Halloween! Ginnifer Goodwin, so cute!

Its Nanowrimo time!

are you guys writing this year? I was going to write one thing but then last night I had a dream about something else and am taking it as a sign and am going to write something else!