Tuesday, November 30, 2010
While on the subject of NG
Can I just say that yesterday I was totally distracted from reading my journal articles by the discovery that Neil Gaiman has a bunch of his short stories up on his website. Am still chuckling over "The Case of the Four and Twenty Blackbirds."
Monday, November 29, 2010
Have you read these?
Game of Thrones. I must admit, I had never heard of these books until there was something about the HBO series in EW the other week. How could I have missed them? As a total fantasy/sci fi/historical fiction nerd girl who has been in love with Aragorn since the age of eleven when I first read LOTR, shouldn't I be their target audience?
Will it be any good or will it be a huge disappointment? I'm hoping it will be like The Tudors meets Lloyd Alexander.
From our fave writer over at G (who I am beginning to think is a male version of us): "And who doesn't like Sean Bean! I'll bet you have never met a person who has said to you "You know what? I just don't like Sean Bean." Has never happened to you. Because no one doesn't like Sean Bean. His name could rhyme but doesn't, and he always plays either an angry but noble terrorist or an old-timey dude like he does here and did in LOTR. What's not to love! Throw in Lena Headey from 300 and Sarah Connor Chronicles and you've basically got nerd heaven."
And what about The Hunger Games trilogy, good or Twilight-ish schlock?
Will it be any good or will it be a huge disappointment? I'm hoping it will be like The Tudors meets Lloyd Alexander.
From our fave writer over at G (who I am beginning to think is a male version of us): "And who doesn't like Sean Bean! I'll bet you have never met a person who has said to you "You know what? I just don't like Sean Bean." Has never happened to you. Because no one doesn't like Sean Bean. His name could rhyme but doesn't, and he always plays either an angry but noble terrorist or an old-timey dude like he does here and did in LOTR. What's not to love! Throw in Lena Headey from 300 and Sarah Connor Chronicles and you've basically got nerd heaven."
And what about The Hunger Games trilogy, good or Twilight-ish schlock?
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Will the similarities never cease?
"When Anderson Cooper recently interviewed Lady Gaga in London, she got him wasted on Irish Whiskey. Cooper told The Insider "We actually ended up that day in a pub in London drinking Jameson, which I don't really drink… So, she got me to drink, like, two of them. And by the end, I was ready to have the interview be over, because I really sort of couldn't ask anymore questions." "
Umm, note her drink of choice....
Umm, note her drink of choice....
"I can't believe I just spent twenty dollars to see Dobby die."
As overheard leaving the movie theater last night. (Ummm. Didn't you read the book?)
I knew it was a good audience from the raucous applause and cheers that erupted when they saw this:

I mean, it is a rather brilliant title, but seriously.
Catcalls for poor Harry when stripped to his skivvies to dive in after the sword of Gryffindor and anticipatory mewling as HBC threw the knife at the ill-fated Dobby. All in all, a good time.
L made this amazing butternut squash and hazelnut lasagna and a gingery pumpkin soup. I'll get you the recipes, Charles.
I knew it was a good audience from the raucous applause and cheers that erupted when they saw this:

I mean, it is a rather brilliant title, but seriously.
Catcalls for poor Harry when stripped to his skivvies to dive in after the sword of Gryffindor and anticipatory mewling as HBC threw the knife at the ill-fated Dobby. All in all, a good time.
L made this amazing butternut squash and hazelnut lasagna and a gingery pumpkin soup. I'll get you the recipes, Charles.
Friday, November 26, 2010
I heart my job
Had a remarkably quiet night at work. Nothing like this list of "highlights" of ED chief complaints over at Deadspin.
A choice selection:
It is funny because it is true. (Including the complete inability of triage nurses to spell things correctly.)
A choice selection:
It is funny because it is true. (Including the complete inability of triage nurses to spell things correctly.)
Promise not to be quite so much like this
Graham Little

I really like this artist. His work reminds me of Alma-Tadema and Vermeer. More of his work can be seen here.
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Thanksgiving avec le pere
So when I entered his apartment, I was, much to my alarm, greeted by this:

Le pere seemed totally unconcerned by the smoke billowing from his oven where "the bird," as he persistently referred to it, was roasting away. I opened some windows so that we wouldn't die of carbon monoxide poisoning and settled down for an afternoon of rather dull football and non-sequiturs from le pere.
Miss you guys!

Le pere seemed totally unconcerned by the smoke billowing from his oven where "the bird," as he persistently referred to it, was roasting away. I opened some windows so that we wouldn't die of carbon monoxide poisoning and settled down for an afternoon of rather dull football and non-sequiturs from le pere.
Miss you guys!
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Alright ladies, it is that time of year again
Christmas wishes?

You know what I want. Books and Don Draper inspired pjs. (Anything by Atul Gawande -- I should really read his stuff. Never got around to it though I love his essays in the New Yorker. The Lonely Planet Guide to East Africa. The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down - another book, I am embarrassed to say I have not yet read.) I think les parents can handle the books, right? I really love those woolly socks you got us last year, Charles, wouldn't mind another set if the Gap is selling them again. And of course, anything from anthropologie would be nice.
As for les parents, la mere wants a Celtics bumper sticker, a white flannel nightgown, and madeleine pans. Le pere, who knows. I'll try to find out when I see him tomorrow.
Sooo, what are you guys wishing for?

You know what I want. Books and Don Draper inspired pjs. (Anything by Atul Gawande -- I should really read his stuff. Never got around to it though I love his essays in the New Yorker. The Lonely Planet Guide to East Africa. The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down - another book, I am embarrassed to say I have not yet read.) I think les parents can handle the books, right? I really love those woolly socks you got us last year, Charles, wouldn't mind another set if the Gap is selling them again. And of course, anything from anthropologie would be nice.
As for les parents, la mere wants a Celtics bumper sticker, a white flannel nightgown, and madeleine pans. Le pere, who knows. I'll try to find out when I see him tomorrow.
Sooo, what are you guys wishing for?
Best trailer review. Ever.
The Guardian weighs in on the trailer of Little Slut Riding Hood, I mean Catherine Hardwicke's upcoming Red Riding Hood. You must read the full blow-by-blow commentary here. It is hilarious. Snarktacular.
Just a choice selection:

"Oh, for God's sake, really? Really? Little Red Riding Hood, can't you keep it in your pants for a poxy second? Look – people are being murdered and your grandmother has been eaten by a wolf and now Gary Oldman is in her house rooting through all her stuff, and all you can think about is sex? This is crap. This whole film is crap. And, incidentally, where's the wolf? We haven't even seen him yet. That wolf I showed you before wasn't even a real wolf. It was just a painting of a wolf on a door, and not even a particularly good one at that. In fact, is there even going to be a wolf in this film? Or has he been edited out to make room for all the shagging?"
Glad we advised JE to stay clear of this one.
Just a choice selection:

"Oh, for God's sake, really? Really? Little Red Riding Hood, can't you keep it in your pants for a poxy second? Look – people are being murdered and your grandmother has been eaten by a wolf and now Gary Oldman is in her house rooting through all her stuff, and all you can think about is sex? This is crap. This whole film is crap. And, incidentally, where's the wolf? We haven't even seen him yet. That wolf I showed you before wasn't even a real wolf. It was just a painting of a wolf on a door, and not even a particularly good one at that. In fact, is there even going to be a wolf in this film? Or has he been edited out to make room for all the shagging?"
Glad we advised JE to stay clear of this one.
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Art of the Americas Wing

Nice review in the Christian Science Monitor of the new Art of the Americas wing at the MFA. Hopefully, the wing is more than just endless rooms of Revolutionary silver and pre-Columbian pottery shards dug out of storage. (And this is coming from a would-be archeologist who spent an entire day in the Delhi museum looking at poorly labeled Harappan artifacts). According to the CSM, highlights include The Sons of Liberty Bowl paired with Copley's portrait of Revere holding a silver bowl and "The Daughters of Edward Darley Boit" paired with the blue Japanese vases featured in the painting (which is how it was displayed before, so I don't really understand how this is "new"). Anyways, thought we should check it out when everyone is home for Christmas.
Sunday, November 21, 2010
How do you happen to have two guns?
"I didn't think one would be enough."
Broke down and bought The Holiday today. Best fake trailer ever....
Broke down and bought The Holiday today. Best fake trailer ever....
Off the boat psycho, lives in Brockton with his mother...
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Pete Campbell's bitchface is even better in person...
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Thank you Ruby Bridges Hall
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Monday, November 15, 2010
I had a chem 5 TF who would sing this while playing the piano....I feel like CF is about to reach over to him and say,"Mate, you are never going to get laid if you keep doing things like that."
ok this dude is def from boston
which makes the voyage of the mimi reference suddenly make sense...
on defamer today re: unstoppable
I like that this movie got good reviews. And I like that there's no villain. I mean, there is a villain, it's the runaway train, but there's no human villain. It's just a classic story of two men vs. train. A tale as old as time. Since we first discovered trains two hundred years ago or whenever, man has been in constant battle with them, possessed of an insatiable need to either harness their immense power, or kill them. Of course trains have rebelled, occasionally in murderous fashion, but mostly by making us get to Boston a half hour late so our dad is waiting in the car for a while and has to circle around Back Bay Station like ten times and we feel bad. It's a never-ending war between two titans, man and train. And here, finally, is a movie about that most basic and pure of conflicts. None of this nonsense with celebrated playwright Eric Bogosian terrorizing a train full of people like Katherine Heigl only to be thwarted by Steven Seagal. (Though, the train does blow up in the end of that one, so it does get its due.) None of these stuffy Belgians solving mysteries as the train, unmolested, rumbles West from Istanbul. Nope. This here is just bare bones Man v. Train. Just the way it should, and always will, be.
on defamer today re: unstoppable
I like that this movie got good reviews. And I like that there's no villain. I mean, there is a villain, it's the runaway train, but there's no human villain. It's just a classic story of two men vs. train. A tale as old as time. Since we first discovered trains two hundred years ago or whenever, man has been in constant battle with them, possessed of an insatiable need to either harness their immense power, or kill them. Of course trains have rebelled, occasionally in murderous fashion, but mostly by making us get to Boston a half hour late so our dad is waiting in the car for a while and has to circle around Back Bay Station like ten times and we feel bad. It's a never-ending war between two titans, man and train. And here, finally, is a movie about that most basic and pure of conflicts. None of this nonsense with celebrated playwright Eric Bogosian terrorizing a train full of people like Katherine Heigl only to be thwarted by Steven Seagal. (Though, the train does blow up in the end of that one, so it does get its due.) None of these stuffy Belgians solving mysteries as the train, unmolested, rumbles West from Istanbul. Nope. This here is just bare bones Man v. Train. Just the way it should, and always will, be.
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Making plans...
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Friday, November 12, 2010
Crappy video quality I know...
But here's a of video of the Sufjan concert I found on youtube so you can see how much fun we had with the balloons...
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Vote! Vote! Vote!
I had no idea anyone else made this particular reference
Read through to about halfway from this posting on defamer:
"Ron Moore, the guy largely responsible for the Sci-Fi Syfy Stupid Name Channel's brilliant Battlestar Galactica reimagining, has sold a pitch to NBC. The show will be about the Coastguard and is called The McCulloch. Ha. That is a terrible title! That will change. What do you think it will be changed to? Seas of Rage? The Waves? The Voyage of the Mimi 2: Blood Tide? Whatever it is called, it could be very interesting. Oh, I know, ha ha, the Coastguard is lame. But did you know that it's the 12th largest navy in the world? It's true! They have lots of boats and guns. Adventure on the high seas awaits."
"Ron Moore, the guy largely responsible for the Sci-Fi Syfy Stupid Name Channel's brilliant Battlestar Galactica reimagining, has sold a pitch to NBC. The show will be about the Coastguard and is called The McCulloch. Ha. That is a terrible title! That will change. What do you think it will be changed to? Seas of Rage? The Waves? The Voyage of the Mimi 2: Blood Tide? Whatever it is called, it could be very interesting. Oh, I know, ha ha, the Coastguard is lame. But did you know that it's the 12th largest navy in the world? It's true! They have lots of boats and guns. Adventure on the high seas awaits."
Best Wedding Photo Ever
Essential Reading
An interesting list...how many have you guys read?
And here is a helpful (not really) chart
I am excited about this movie however
I dare say this holds true in NEW England as well
From The Guardian (complete article here).
"It is fair to say Britain does not do winter glamorously. France has Courchevel and Megève; America has Aspen; we have minor celebrities bumping down Primrose Hill on tea trays. Our premier winter sport is poking droll fun at train companies when the inevitable "leaves on the line" delay announcements come. Why, we ask, are the trains sent into a tailspin by weather conditions that happen every year?
Because they're British, that's why. We are all sent into a tailspin by winter weather. Look around you, if you don't believe me. It is suddenly very cold and very wet, yes. Reader, may I introduce you to the concept of November. This happens every year, people! But do you see a nation looking chic and cosy and snug? No. You see bedraggled hordes, their new-season wardrobes completely obliterated by anoraks and mouldy cardigans, moaning about how wet their feet get when they wear Converse in the rain (duh-huh!)."
I feel a sudden need to start watching Love Actually and The Holiday!

My fashion sense is more about "giving up and hibernating in Gap hoodies from now until April" like they warn in the article and I fear I do end up looking like "a disgruntled maths teacher on wet-weather playground duty." So from now on, going to start taking all of my fashion advice from the Brits where they say things like, "For women: Mittens are jolly and useful, especially with a string." Looking like Blake Lively, never going to happen. Wearing mittens on a string, definitely. And apparently in Britain that could count as being fashionable.
"It is fair to say Britain does not do winter glamorously. France has Courchevel and Megève; America has Aspen; we have minor celebrities bumping down Primrose Hill on tea trays. Our premier winter sport is poking droll fun at train companies when the inevitable "leaves on the line" delay announcements come. Why, we ask, are the trains sent into a tailspin by weather conditions that happen every year?
Because they're British, that's why. We are all sent into a tailspin by winter weather. Look around you, if you don't believe me. It is suddenly very cold and very wet, yes. Reader, may I introduce you to the concept of November. This happens every year, people! But do you see a nation looking chic and cosy and snug? No. You see bedraggled hordes, their new-season wardrobes completely obliterated by anoraks and mouldy cardigans, moaning about how wet their feet get when they wear Converse in the rain (duh-huh!)."
I feel a sudden need to start watching Love Actually and The Holiday!

My fashion sense is more about "giving up and hibernating in Gap hoodies from now until April" like they warn in the article and I fear I do end up looking like "a disgruntled maths teacher on wet-weather playground duty." So from now on, going to start taking all of my fashion advice from the Brits where they say things like, "For women: Mittens are jolly and useful, especially with a string." Looking like Blake Lively, never going to happen. Wearing mittens on a string, definitely. And apparently in Britain that could count as being fashionable.
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Oh hilarity...
1.Go to Google Maps
2) Click Get Directions
3) Type Japan as starting point
4) Type China as ending point
5) Go to # 43 on the directions
Google employees clearly have waaay too much time on their hands, for which we should all be thankful.
2) Click Get Directions
3) Type Japan as starting point
4) Type China as ending point
5) Go to # 43 on the directions
Google employees clearly have waaay too much time on their hands, for which we should all be thankful.
Monday, November 8, 2010
Sunday, November 7, 2010
I think you would like Carson Ellis

I just discovered the blog of the artist, Carson Ellis. She illustrates children's books and does the haunting, intricate covers for the Decemberists (yeah she is married a member of the band). I love how she writes about her life and art and has plenty of interesting images, both her own work (including photos) and the work of other artists.
Saturday, November 6, 2010
I am swooning

Over the gorgeous food photos on this blog, cannelle et vanille. Just look at all the beautiful, beautiful food. The presentation, ah, to die for. A new fave along with PD and Orangette.
Friday, November 5, 2010
Oh no Keith Olbermann!
He's been suspended for making political donations to Dems. I guess that will mean no more Special Comments for the time being.
Thursday, November 4, 2010
SO I was watching trailers
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Arcade Fire talks PIH, touring with the WSJ

"Yeah, I think PIH has made a really huge difference not just in Haiti but worldwide. Not even just through the work they do but also the model they’ve created of treating poor people like normal human beings. The fact that worked, the fact that they could treat TB that way, I think opens a lot of eyes. We’re definitely helping PIH. The money is important but even without us people were starting to get excited about PIH. I think we’ve helped snowball that a little bit. We’ve definitely added weight to that snowball."
Love Arcade Fire. Full WSJ interview here.
WTF America?
Seriously, America? I mean, seriously?
From TP:
"Here is a snapshot of the GOP Class of 2010’s extremism:
- 50% deny the existence of manmade climate change
- 86% are opposed to any climate change legislation that increases government revenue
- 39% have already declared their intention to end the 14th Amendment’s guarantee of birthright citizenship
- 32% want to reduce legal immigration
- 91% have sworn to never allow an income tax increase on any individual or business – regardless of deficits or war
- 79% have pledged to permanently repeal the estate tax
- 48% are pushing for a balanced budget amendment"
Love that the jez girls are unabashedly liberal. I mean, I should have guessed it with their strong support for choice and LGBT equality, but it was refreshing to see.
PS. Russ Feingold, we'll miss you. Sniff.
From TP:
"Here is a snapshot of the GOP Class of 2010’s extremism:
- 50% deny the existence of manmade climate change
- 86% are opposed to any climate change legislation that increases government revenue
- 39% have already declared their intention to end the 14th Amendment’s guarantee of birthright citizenship
- 32% want to reduce legal immigration
- 91% have sworn to never allow an income tax increase on any individual or business – regardless of deficits or war
- 79% have pledged to permanently repeal the estate tax
- 48% are pushing for a balanced budget amendment"
Love that the jez girls are unabashedly liberal. I mean, I should have guessed it with their strong support for choice and LGBT equality, but it was refreshing to see.
PS. Russ Feingold, we'll miss you. Sniff.
Monday, November 1, 2010
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