Monday, April 26, 2010

Doesn't Rwanda look beautiful!

My future home?

The Rwandan countryside

My future patients? Ils sont adorables!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Did anyone watch 30 Rock last night?

Best quote of the night:

"I even got them to make that flavor we invented."
"Peanut butter and Miller High Life."

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

A match made in Heaven

I will be watching. For sure.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Art, art, art

all of the paintings in the MoMA in 2 minutes. (es, you should make one for the getty)

Sometimes I think that Sufjan Stevens is just a character who escaped from a Wes Anderson film...

Why yes, he did go on tour wearing a pair of wings...

There doesn't seem to be a music video for the song Chicago, but here's a youtube of the song with pictures of him posing with his various odd instruments. And you totally know this song, right, right? I feel like everybody was completely obsessed with it four years ago, but maybe that's just the people I know. Either way, you totally need to get Illinois.

And here's the song he recorded for the Dark Was The Night album, and it's pretty significantly different from his earlier stuff, but still totally awesome.

To cheer myself up

after being rejected by life in general. I went shopping at Anthro for pretty spring blouses. Now feel better.

Saturday, April 17, 2010


Right. I may be a little too obsessed with Fringe, but in my defense, here is Pacey quoting Carl Sagan. So sexy.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Made for cats

I'm not sure why humans would want to play the green worm game or play a weird ipad piano, but cats certainly would. This is a great step forward from the flashlight on the wall game....

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

New favorite song

Why isn't this on itunes yet???? Just discovered MoZella and love her! Downloaded Magic (Oh, Oh, Oh) and Thank You and have been listening to them on repeat.