Friday, March 28, 2008

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Proof the world is getting better

Lots of baby animals are being born with cute heart shaped markings! see video at link with kitten with a heart on it. adorable!

Bats perish and no one knows why

More proof the apocalyse is near.
From the new york times: "Wildlife biologists fear a significant die-off in about 15 caves and mines in New York, as well as at sites in Massachusetts and Vermont. Whatever is killing the bats leaves them unusually thin and, in some cases, dotted with a white fungus. Bat experts fear that what they call White Nose Syndrome may spell doom for several species that keep insect pests under control." First bees, now bats. wonder what M night thinks of this???

Sunday, March 16, 2008

I'm back, baby!

Holy sh*t! I have internet again!!!

Sunday, March 9, 2008

alt gift idea

So Dodie, I was thinking you know what else would be cool is posters since I have like nothing on my walls. I'm thinking like The Beatles and/or Rolling Stones when they were young. Not framed or anything, but you know, so my walls aren't so blank. Anyways just a thought.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Summer Movies to get excited about

1). WANTED - hooray for James!

2). MAMMA MIA! - the more I see the trailer, the more I want to see it. Dominic Cooper looks hot. Keep him in mind. Think he will hit it big soonish. He was Willoughby in the new Sense & Sensibility.

Spring movies to be excited about: Miss Pettigrew Lives for a Day (Lee Pace whoo hoo!); Funny Games (well maybe...creepy); Stop-Loss (we all know why); 21 (Jim Sturgess - loves him!); Smart People (Ellen Page yay!), Street Kings (Keanu, Hugh Laurie, that kid from LS (Chris Evans), I loved this script); Baby Mama (beloved Greg); The Tourist (maybe, Ewan & Michelle but then again Hugh Jackman); Snow Angeles (of course)