Sunday, November 25, 2007

one more trailer....

So this one is a little bit cheesy but i did always love the script and i think its kinda cute (and the producer is one of r's best friends). anyways, watch this one too if you are looking for an actuall good rom-com.

Saturday, November 24, 2007

This is Hysterical

You guys gotta check this site out.

the two new MUST watch trailers

First is IN BRUGES, which to be honest I didn't love as a script. I thought it was just dark cause the humor wasn't on the page but they did a great job with casting and it looks quite frankly awesome. You can see this one here:

The 2nd is THE DIVING BELL AND THE BUTTERFLY, which previously I thought sounded depressing and dull because its about a dude who communicates by blinking his eye and somehow wrote a book this way. But it IS a Julian Schnabel movie so obviously going to be arty and I think it looks gorgeous. Plus it has Matthieu Amalric who was the French guy in Munich and I thought he was so good in that and put him on my list of actors I love and now he has gone and done this. you can see that one here:

christmas wishes???

hey chicas, what are your official and non-official christmas wishes???
so far i'm wishing for this french cookbook by amanda hesser. i think it is called the cook and the gardener....

Thursday, November 22, 2007

The Perfect Day Is...

Season Three of Black Books is out and features Simon Pegg in the very first episode as a kind of scary manager of the Borders-esque bookstore next door, which is pretty sweet.

Happy UnThanksgiving you guys!

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Oh Atonement - best picture of the year

I know, I know. I am competely obsessed with it. Saw a screening of it tonight, it was Incredible! the BEST movie of the year by far. Its so beautifully shot, so beautifully framed. All the details perfect. gorgous sets, costumes, and of course the acting. Keira & James are AMAZING. So is the little Irish girl Saroise. When it comes out you both must see it. So tragic and sad! but hooray James! people will finally see how awesome he is, that which we have known since white Teeth. And of course Keira. She is such a great actress, not just a pretty face.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Best lines ever...

So I'm watching the latest episode of Heroes online (since I have a television but no antennae) and a character literally just said...

..."You've had a terrible accident."

I think if any of us write stuff, that line should be included at least once per manuscript.

Just sayin'.

Monday, November 12, 2007

They call them B-Sides for a reason...

...Unless you're The Killers apparently, 'cause their new B-sides album is daaaamnnn gooood. Including what could have been a sacrilegious cover of Joy Division's song Shadowplay.

What did we do before YouTube?

The amazing Adrian Pasdar gives us a glimpse at how strange the cast of heroes really is. Seriously an odd bunch.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Mother/Daughter Bonding

How many mothers bring their daughters to go see movies like Eastern Promises?
I'd be more traumatized if I hadn't already watched movies like Trainspotting and Fight Club avec La Mere.
And of course I was also more prepared than poor Dodie, so as soon as they entered the steam baths, I immediately started cringing in anticipation.

yikes, heath.

what did they do to you?

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Kiefer filming in DC!

Kiefer was in town and I missed him! Sigh. The boy and I almost went to go hang out in Georgetown but then decided to go hiking along the Potomac instead. The only celeb I saw yesterday was Patrick Ewing. (He was in line before me at the gym. So enormously tall! He looked ridiculously oversized on the stairmaster.)

Saturday, November 3, 2007

Best Christmas/Hannukah Book EVER!!

The next time you're in a bookstore, you have to check this one out.

Why I love Tek

You guys have to read this story about our fave catcher