First is IN BRUGES, which to be honest I didn't love as a script. I thought it was just dark cause the humor wasn't on the page but they did a great job with casting and it looks quite frankly awesome. You can see this one here: http://www.firstshowing.net/2007/11/23/in-bruges-trailer-with-colin-farrell-brendan-gleeson-and-ralph-fiennes/
The 2nd is THE DIVING BELL AND THE BUTTERFLY, which previously I thought sounded depressing and dull because its about a dude who communicates by blinking his eye and somehow wrote a book this way. But it IS a Julian Schnabel movie so obviously going to be arty and I think it looks gorgeous. Plus it has Matthieu Amalric who was the French guy in Munich and I thought he was so good in that and put him on my list of actors I love and now he has gone and done this. you can see that one here: http://www.thedivingbellandthebutterfly-themovie.com/